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Step 2: Billing Information

Step 3: Billing Details


Step 4: Order Summary

Order Summary

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BorderPoint All Access Promotion

Get access to all BorderPoint—Spiritual Excellence courses and programs while active membership is maintained.

Annual Membership

Get unrestricted access to all BorderPoint—Spiritual Excellence courses and programs including Awakenings Academy for an annual tuition of only $495 $395.

Course Description

BorderPoint is a premier leading-edge learning platform, resource and community designed to provide immersion in an environment created for continual growth, development, and personal and spiritual progress, and includes a comprehensive course library, weekly live sessions, a community chat group, and much more.

Mission Statement

We are committed to providing overwhelming value through leading-edge education and evolutionary training programs. We believe that empowerment through personal development and spiritual growth is the key to the awakening of the human potential.


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