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Awakenings Academy—Schedule

As part of the Awakenings Academy resource of offerings, we are currently providing numerous live sessions weekly and monthly that currently include the following to support you upon your path of spiritual growth and development:

  • Study Circle
  • Dhikr Circle
  • Moving Meditation
  • Sisters’ Suhba
  • Men’s Circle

It is our goal to do our best and schedule our Awakenings Academy live sessions during a window of time that works for most of our members, in addition to providing recordings for those who may not be able to attend any of the meetings in person.

Please take a moment to select the time slots that work best for you as we plan to resume a standardized scheduling of our live sessions post-Ramadan (note that our live sessions normally last up to an hour).

To help you accurately gauge the times in your local geographic location, please use the list below as reference.

Please submit this form only once, however you may select up to two options in your choices of preferred options.