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Mastering the Matrix

Mastering the Matrix

Remember who you are and why you are here. Awaken your purpose and potential.


Prophets, messengers and saints throughout history have taught that the common state of consciousness human beings are bound by is essentially one of unconsciousness and sleep, and that the goal of our lives here on earth is to awaken the latent and sacred potential which we have been created with.

If we continue to remain asleep and unconscious, we not only fail to develop our capacity for health, happiness, peace and prosperity in this life, but we also fail to live on purpose and realize the reason for which we have been created.

Mastering the Matrix is a unique and innovative course that takes a deep dive into the nature of reality and our destined role and function as deputies and vicegerents of the Almighty within creation, and is designed to facilitate the awakening process with leading-edge information and instruction that is current, relevant and immediately applicable.

The goal of this course is to support your success both in this life and the next while helping you to remember who you are and why you are here.

Students of Mastering the Matrix can expect to learn how to regain control over the key areas of their lives by learning how to regain control over their very selves and learning how to live with focus, intention, purpose and excellence.

By applying the lessons and principles in this course, you can expect to increasingly experience peace and prosperity while awakening to your sacred and divine purpose as a deputy and vicegerent of the Almighty.

Course Details
  • 8+ Video Training Modules
  • Instant Access and Lifetime Membership for $195
  • Unconditional 14-Day Satisfaction Guarantee


Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Ready to Get Started?

You can enroll in and purchase this course with lifetime membership by using the link below. Upon completion of your order, you will be redirected to the private member portal to complete registration and access your training materials. Alternatively, you can get access to this program with a BorderPoint All Access annual membership.

Ready to Get Started?

You can enroll in and purchase this course with lifetime membership by using the link above.
Alternatively, you can get access to this program with a BorderPoint All Access annual membership.

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