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Andrew Tate’s Conversion to Islam and the Muslim Response

Andrew Tate who was most recently the most popular man on the internet before he was universally banned and deplatformed by all major social media platforms continues to rise in popularity nonetheless and was recently featured on Piers Morgan, as well as a numerous other podcasts and programs. In spite of Piers Morgan’s attempts to pigeonhole and label Tate, the former kickboxing world champion came out on top and earned even more attention by maintaining his composure and his stance, and refusing to capitulate to Morgan’s heavy handed interrogation styled interview.

Of rare and particular interest is that just now at the height of his popularity, Andrew Tate has publicly embraced Islam, and has gone so far as to say that Islam is the last and final religion with the strength to stand up to the otherwise overwhelming cultural woke-ism that now threatens the health of the human species and the survival of human civilization, at least as we’ve known it. Tate has gone on to advise all Christians serious about faith, religion and serving God to also embrace and convert to Islam.

While his entry into the folds of the faith was generally met with overwhelmingly a warm welcome and support, a small and vocal minority within the Muslim community have nonetheless actively criticized his conversion, questioned his sincerity and intentions, and outright opposed the awakening and opening of his heart to the religion.

As Muslims, believers and people of faith, we must remember that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ stated, “Islam erases all sins that came before it,” and Allah Almighty affirms in the Holy Qur’an that when an individual comes to faith and strives towards excellence, not only are their previous sins forgiven, but their prior misdeeds are actually transformed into good deeds, [Surah al-Furqan, 25:70].

Furthermore, the above words of the Prophet ﷺ were spoken to the great Khalid bin-Waleed (ra), a mighty warrior who for years opposed and fought against the Prophet ﷺ, yet ultimately was guided to Islam by the grace of Allah Almighty, and who came to the Messenger of God ﷺ bearing witness to truth and asking for forgiveness. Sayyiduna Khalid bin-Waleed (ra) was then dubbed by the Prophet ﷺ as the “Sword of God,” and went on to become the greatest military defender of the faith.

As people of piety and faith, let us first and foremost reflect on our standing within the religion, accurately assess our own commitment to Allah and His Messenger ﷺ, seek to better and improve ourselves through strength, excellence and self-purification, and then pray that God continues to guide towards goodness those who come to Islam, in particular they who have the capacity to do great good as strong believers and men of faith.

To your divine and eternal success.

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4 Responses

  1. Aslm Brother Ihsan…
    You are doing a wonder thing here for people who connect with this approach. Be been searching for years where somebody is embracing this angle towards the Deen.

    I am struggling with some health issues and sleep deprivation is one of them after listening to tutu free meditation you provided I can to realise that something it keeping me from sleeping. It’s like this thinking I need to complete some task and hence it keeps me from completely letting go.

    Is there any advice you can provided b this regard.

    JazaakAllah and May Allah shower you with His endless blessings.


    1. Welcome, Thabit, and may Allah Almighty continue to guide you towards strength, healing, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Regarding the necessity of letting go, a meditative practice is essential. I recommend taking advantage of the Islamic Meditation Program to learn how to surrender, relax and let go. Best and most blessed regards.

  2. Salams and dua’as Br. Ihsan,

    I was unaware of Andrew Tate and all the news related to him. Thank you for bringing to our attention and important topic and a time for all of us to pay attention to where we are headed? I am so thankful to people like you and other scholars who keep hope alive and well. I plan to write to you again soon, In Shaa Allah.

    May Allah keep you safe and give you strength to continue our education through your work. Jazakum Allah Khairun.

    1. Allahumma ameen, thank you Shua. May Allah Almighty guide and support each of us in serving His divine purpose through our work. Fi Amanallah.

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