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The Four Sources of Trauma

As human beings, we are each deeply wounded and carry unhealed trauma. Yet in addition to trauma as a result of the pain of abandonment, betrayal, abuse and suffering personally experienced, we carry within our bodies, minds and souls unhealed trauma from sources even beyond our immediate selves.

In this brief post, I share the four sources of trauma that affect us. By learning to become aware of the unhealed, unacknowledged and unresolved trauma we carry, we can begin to move towards reintegration and return to fitra—our original state of wholeness and health.

By doing the work necessary to heal (the very purpose of the spiritual path), we not only heal ourselves, but we also make increasingly possible the healing of those with whom we are connected. In this way, not only do we interrupt the cycle of suffering and the perpetuation of pain that will inevitably affect our children and grandchildren, but through the principle of quantum entanglement, we also have a profound impact on the health of the souls of our parents and ancestors as well (in reality, upon the whole of humanity and creation).

Four Sources of Trauma: #1, Primordial

As a result of the original loss of integrity, wholeness, light and love that occurred with the first sin in the Garden when our parents, Adam and Eve, peace and blessings be upon them, ate from the forbidden tree, we each inherit a deep pain from the original trauma of separation from the Divine Presence of our Lord.

Consequently, we are each driven by the desire to seek love, which is in reality a desire to return to the Divine Presence of God, the Almighty, the Eternal and the Absolute. It is the spiritual path that makes possible the return to the state of wholeness, oneness and integrity—the state of holiness—the heals this ancient, deep and primordial wound we each carry.

Four Sources of Trauma: #2, Ancestral

Incredible research in recent years is unequivocally proving that we each inherit profound degrees of intergenerational trauma through our parents, ancestors and family lineage. In laboratory experiments involving both mice and humans, such trauma has been measured in the genetic expression of our DNA, and can have profound consequences in our lives if we do not develop the spiritual maturity to heal and to awaken.

Mark Wolynn in his book, It Didn’t Start with You, brings to light incredible research in this new and emerging field, and goes to extensive lengths to articulate the absolute importance of healing so as to not pass on such unhealed and unresolved pain and trauma to our progeny.

Four Sources of Trauma: #3, Personal

Perhaps the most obvious source of trauma is that which we have personally experienced in our own immediate lives. Such trauma can often also be the most profound, yet unfortunately, much of it is normally not remembered for it often takes place in the most formative years of our lives prior to about the age of five.

Because our memory functions are not yet fully formed and integrated at such a young age, we often cannot recall the very experiences of abandonment, betrayal, suffering and pain that ultimately form and shape our very personalities and the paradigms within we unconsciously operate.

Again, it becomes imperative to do the healing and spiritual work necessary to transcend our very selves, not only to personally experience peace, happiness and love in life, but also to give our children the best chances for success in their lives as well.

Four Sources of Trauma: #4, Collective

Lastly, we each inherit and absorb trauma from the collective, beginning with the entirety of humanity, yet most acutely with the cultural community we originate from and most strongly identify with.

This type of trauma becomes increasingly acute based upon the degree and capacity of empathy you have personally been endowed with. Hence, the more sensitive the individual, the more he or she will feel, carry and be affected by the suffering of others.

How to Heal: Spirituality

In addition to seeking out professional medical and psychological services as is necessary, it is essential to do the deep spiritual work necessary to truly and fully heal from both experienced and inherited trauma.

Spirituality is by definition that which reconnects a human being with Spirit, the One, the Source of healing, life and love. Ultimately, it is God Almighty that heals and that provides the power to transcend our broken and fragmented selves.

In this way, the spiritual path is in reality a path back to your true self—healed and whole, and thus holy. All of life is seeking to both teach us about ourselves and to lead us Home to the Divine Presence of God. By consciously, actively and intentionally seeking to learn, grow, awaken and evolve, we come into alignment with Divine Will, and thus fulfill the purpose of our creation.

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