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02: The Three Stages of Islam

In this video, you will learn about the three stages of development within al-Islam. Only by seeking to progressively develop and perfect both our faith and our religion can we ultimately reach to its true purpose and destination, which is nothing other than the Divine Presence of God.

Rediscovering Islamic Spirituality

2 Responses

  1. Hello

    Jazak Allahu Khair 🙏🏽
    I was born a Moslem & even at a young age, started praying salah. However, as my family were not religious, I wasn’t encouraged. Plus my country was under a undemocratic forced false Islamic rulership; further adding to a negative outlook. I cane to the West in my teen years & was not keen on Islam. In my late 20’s, started on a spiritual path. I’ve learnt much however, over 20 years,later none of it helped me. I did pursue other religions; Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Angelic forces & other metaphysical teachings. By Divine Grace, I’ve come back to Islam & am very sad I rejected it for so long. I have still a lot to learn, but pray by Allah’s Grace, I will catch up on what I’ve missed…
    Thank you for your open-minded approach & showing a true understanding. On researching YouTube & Internet, there’s a lot of misguided people teaching things that are leading people astray. I am very grateful for ypur guidance.

    May Allah reward & bless you 🙏🏽 🌺


    PS. Please can you explain to me why Islam uses a lot of black colour. In metaphysics & new age teachings, black is seen as having the lowest frequency in terms of energy (& white the highest). This often confuses me.

  2. I have bern searching for answers all my life. I have always rejected a lot of Islamic preaching and traditional sheikhs that take religion literally and only focus on the outside part of Islam. Unfortunately the majority of Muslims are focused merely on the outward while being very hypocritical. After my dad and mum passed recently, I delved deeper in my faith and got many signs/dreams that made me realize that we are more than our physical existence. I found my answers in Sufism- the essence of Islam. The real religion of love,peace and forgiveness. True Islam is inclusive, wishing goodness for all mankind and not bragging that only Muslims are chosen. I do very much want to be a sufi mosley. I find your teachings beautiful and touch my soul. Can one be sufi without a teacher or master? Is that possible bro Ihsan? Peace and light to you.

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